Yolanda Martin
Yolanda Martin is an Author, Publisher, Motivational Speaker and Mentor.
Yolanda Martin is an exceptional and vibrant individual who aspires to touch the hearts of men and women with her talent of writing and speaking to those who are searching for spiritual freedom.
She is the owner and managing member of One-Way Publishing LLC and author of “He’s The One and Only!” a Motivational Novel.
She found herself writing years ago before becoming an author ever entered her mind. It would often bring peace and comfort to her sometimes difficult and challenging experiences that she encountered throughout her life. This was often how she found the ability to explore her inner spiritual essence and come into contact with God who was her source of strength. God has helped her overcome a lot of the hurdles that life had presented her with, and allowed her to become the person that she is today. Although she is not perfect, she knows the one who is!
She is also working on her next novel, “The Turn Around”, a sequel, which will be appearing in stores and online in the near future.
Love is always the essential part of her life!

Mona never saw the betrayal of love that would cause her a lifetime of pain. The situations that she found herself in were so insidious that she started to question her own sincerity. “Was it me Lord?”
This was also the same question that the disciples asked Jesus when he told them…”one of you will betray me.” John 26:21
Love had disappointed her so many times and on so many levels, and now she would began to betray herself for the men that she gave her heart to. Mona believed that they would give her the love that she couldn’t find inside herself. She was left broken-hearted every time! But she finally realizes that her promise land would have been nearer, but because of her sins, had taken 20 years, and it was only supposed to be 20 days away! What she does next will astonish you…