Heaven Whitlow and Theresa Strachan
Heaven is an 8 year old who lives in Birmingham, AL. She currently attends Legacy Prep. She is a serial entrepreneur with several powerful business endeavors. Being an author is one of her strongest interests. She enjoys telling stories of her daily adventures and things she may see. Heaven’s Treasures LLC is her primary business. Heaven has one younger sister name Halo and one younger brother named Chanz. Heaven is also a philanthropist. She host an annual Thanksgiving Giveaway at her school. Heaven aspires to be successful in all her endeavors.

This book will entail the joys of the life of Heaven. Heaven’s parents have joint custody of her. She alternates every other week between her parents. She spends time with her siblings and other family members. It will enlighten the joys of having two families bonded together by the love for a child. Which is Heaven.