Ron Miller
Born in the heart of Dixie, Ron Miller is a retired educator who loves classic cars and Southern literature. His award-winning first novel–A Broken Reed-tied together the themes of violence, rape, and redemption. Miller lives with his wife, Kathrine, in the historic district of Anniston, Alabama.

“Girls, Gags, and Guns–”
With Montclair “Speedy” Wheeler, that’s what you get every time.
“Speedy” is a long-haired hippie type, prodigal grandson returned, apparent heir to the family’s textile fortune, and self-appointed seeker of the truth.
He must first clear the hurdles of cleaning the courthouse as a college-educated janitor and embarking upon a questionable career as a vulnerable undercover cop whose partner is totally corrupt. However, an initial– and continuing– problem arises: There are three beautiful, high class sisters to deal with, each with their own idiosyncrasies.
It is the summer of 1964 and our hippie is ushering in the first phase of the ‘60s Social Revolution.