Pastor Daylan Woodall
Daylan Woodall is the pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church of Decatur, the second-oldest African American Church in Decatur Alabama. First Missionary Baptist Decatur has been and continues to be a monument to the grace of God and to the faith of his people who served him have continued to serve Him. The First Missionary Baptist Decatur family has always been a collection of people who love, lean on, and trust in God.

The story of Christ’s journey to the cross is a familiar one within the context of the Christian Faith.
It is a well-known narrative and, as such, it features many characters who are not far from our recollection.
Judas, who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver, is a familiar character. Caiaphas, the high priest who was
instrumental in the plot to crucify Christ, is a recognizable character. We have spent a great deal of time with
Peter, the disciple, who declared his undying devotion to Christ only to deny Him soon after. These characters
and their stories are important. It is needful that we take time to take a look at these well-known persons
who fill the narrative as Christ heads to the cross.
This book grew out of a series of Bible study lectures and Sunday morning sermons I delivered from on the Gospel of Mark. It is my sincere hope that this work might be helpful to you on your Christian journey. I pray that what is expressed here might provide you with a deeper sense of how the love of God extends to both the known and the unknown, to those who are popular, and to those who are faces in the crowd.