Louise Abroms
“As a first generation child of Holocaust survivors, I learned early to appreciate the basics my parents worked hard to provide for me. Be happy if there was food on the table, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. Fortunately, my parents let me have a beautiful albino bunny as a pet. He acted more like a dog, running around and coming when I called him. The joy of that time inspired me to use Cap as the main character in Do Bees Have Knees? Cap is his name, his hat, and also happens to be part of the leg known as the kneecap!
I love trying to see the world from a child’s perspective, which I hoped to convey in the illustrations. I think it is also why I became a teacher. This story was conceived 40 years ago and finally has materialized through the support and encouragement of so many people through the years. I would love to name each and every one but am afraid I would leave someone out. You know who you are!
My profound gratitude goes to my husband, Jimmy, who always sup-ports me in life. My children, Michelle, David, and Sarah, never gave up on me. Now I am so blessed to have grandchildren to dedicate this book to. I believe when they came along, it became a “now or never” situation.
The final journey to completion began with cousin Marty Abroms. He knows “everybody”. He sent me to John Appuhn who had tremendous knowledge. John sent me to Robert Cashatt. Robert “DID IT”. He put it together to make it happen. With his many years in the book business, he knew just what to do and was a tremendous advisor and counselor to me. You would not be reading this if it were not for him.
To Albert, Eric, and Debra….your ability to put just the right words together is truly a gift. I am grateful for your recommendations.”

“Do Bees Have Knees?”……………..A joyful story of curiosity and adventure.
“This is brilliant and fun And very well done. If I were a poet, I would cry, ‘Louise, I cannot tell a lie.‛
Kids will love the rhymes and line ‘More, more,‛ they will pine. Get it to a publisher with ties long before this children‛s book dies.” You are my sunshine and soul mate, Love and Gratitude, —Albert and Mr.Darby—
“This book is a delightful celebration of love, life, and learning. “Do Bees Have Knees?” is essential reading for children and children at heart everywhere. It is a joyful testament to the beauty of nature, and to those curious enough to explore it.” —Dr. Eric L. Motley—