Jessie Crawford, Jr.
Jessie Crawford, Jr., was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. He graduated from Hooper City High School. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the United States Navy. Later, he attended Philadelphia Technical Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he studied refrigeration and air conditioning. Mr. Crawford is always willing to share his stories with teachers and students. He makes himself available for speaking engagements to schools, educational facilities, churches, and anyone who has a desire for him to come. Mr. Crawford currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, Josephine. He has one son, Anthony (Kim), and two grandchildren, Elijah and Noni.

It was only a few days before Leroy’s birthday and Mrs. Johnson was growing weary that she would not be able to purchase the new bicycle that she had promised him.
Frantically, she goes to Bill for advice on what to do.
Find out how Bill’s old rusty bike saved the day!

The story of two preschool children and their conversation about their special Pop-Pop.
In this book, Mr. Crawford offers his personal relationship with his own delightful grandchildren.
A story to be shared by Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Pop-Pops everywhere.

A sequel to the best selling children’s book, My Pop-Pop.
This time, the pre-schoolers converse about their very special “Grandma.”
Another story to be shared by Moms, Dads, Pop-Pops and special Grandmas everywhere.

This children’s book is designed to educate both children and adults on the worldwide celebration of this ancient African celebration and its impact on a very interested Leroy.

Mr. Crawford takes on the subject of breast cancer as seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old child. Faced with his own personal family tragedy, Leroy becomes aware that he and his mother are not alone in this battle.

In today’s world, there is no one definition of what constitutes
a family. The most important element is a loving and caring environment in which a child can learn and grow, both mentally and physically, and interact with children of different ethnicities and learn to show respect for other people, regardless of race, color or creed.
This is the story of two very special children.

Mickey wanted to quit the team because he felt his play in center field was not up to Coach’s standards.
See how Johnny restored his enthusiasm for the game and molded him into being the best player on the team!

It’s Leroy’s big day! His mom has promised to take him to the circus. He arises early, anxiously preparing for his trip; but then, he discovers that his mom is suddenly not feeling well. Oh no! What is he going to do? Leroy think quickly. He’s got to do something to make her feel better.

Leroy learns the Ten Commandments and can recite them one-by-one. He thinks he knows them all until he is faced with persecution from friends.

It was Christmas time, and Leroy so dearly wanted a Christmas tree, so that his house would have the smell of Christmas. However, Leroy’s mother made it clear to him that purchasing a Christmas tree was not in the budget.