Jenny Waltman
Jenny Anderson Waltman, wife to Jason, and mother to Amelia Grace and Denver, graduated from Samford University in 1998 with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. She lives a concept “Business as Mission” through her service as President of Grace Klein Construction, Inc. and Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board for Grace Klein Community, lnc. By God’s grace they see miracles every single day and experience the truth of l Corinthians 9:19 and 23: ‘For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that l might win more of them… I do it alI for the sake of the Gospel, that I might share with them in its blessings.” (ESV)

When I believed God chose the wrong person, I was thinking about me, not Him. I saw my brokenness as a handicap, not an asset. How could He use my insecurity, low self-esteem, financial struggle, bluntness, perfectionism, awkwardness, and failure for good?
The wrong person is always the right person to God. Think about it… he used a prostitute, a murderer, a widow, a criminal, fishermen, a tax collector, a boy with some bread and fish, all the seemingly wrong people, to change the world. He chooses all the wrong people, because in His perfect plan, He sent Jesus, to transform us into all the right people.
My heart is full realizing the treasure of being the wrong person. When God chooses ‘the wrong person’ you have a front row seat to the miracles of what only He can do. He knows you cannot do it. He knows you know you cannot do it. Your life is fully His and He chooses to do with your life what will be for His glory and not yours. God chose me, who I can prove is the wrong person, because He wants the glory of making me the right person. The moment people think of us and immediately think of Jesus, we will be on our way to leaving a legacy.