Latest Release!
My ABC’s of Faith

Jennifer Morrow
Jennifer Morrow resides in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband of 41 years, David. She has two adult children, a son-in-love, and a beloved grandson. Jennifer’s background includes teaching children and youth through church ministries, as well as teaching dance for 30 years. For the past 12 years, Jennifer has had the joyful blessing and privilege of teaching dance at Southern Dance & Performing Arts Company, a non-profit studio in Sylacauga, Alabama, whose mission is to encourage and equip youth to honor God through the performing arts. Jennifer began writing at: and created a Joyful Jenny YouTube channel to share her love for God and His Word. Jennifer is a graduate of the Highlands College Leadership Institute. She also enjoys serving on the Dream Team at Church of the Highlands as a prayer coach and small group leader. Her life’s message is to encourage others to overcome with joy in the Lord.
My ABC’s of Faith
This beautifully illustrated book will capture the eyes, hearts and minds of children. Each letter of the alphabet is connected to correlating words along with simple reminders about God’s amazing love, joy, peace, wisdom and powerful ways. Children of all ages will relate to the pictures and be inspired by the principles in this delightful guide for many happy days.