Gerard Jones
Gerard Jones was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. He currently resides in South Florida where he works in the service industry as well as a coach, photographer, and public speaker.
“For me, writing is a way to bring all I experience in this life closer to true understanding. I write the things I have learned in this life OR the wisdom my spirit intercepts. Sometimes it is logical, sometimes it is painful, and other times it just feels good. But my writing is truth, and truth is healing!”

Different Vibrations is a collection of poetry written from the perspective of different kinds of people. I met these people and learned these stories while homeless and/or working as a taxi driver, an occupation like that of bartender, that assumes the roll of psychiatrist and confidant for his/her patrons. Individually poems could be categorized as comedic, adventurous, religious, etc. so it was not until I read them all together that I realized I was writing a book of love poetry. Each poem collected here reflects some form of love (eros, storge, philia, agape), and written in the voice of some beautiful broken person I have met. Looking from the outside in and other times, from within out, I learned that each person is trying to convey the most beauty out of their current love learning experience. Some of these are dark and rigid while others are bright and smooth. The truest beauty found, however, comes from the collection of all these moments, of all these pieces, of all our love. Journeying through these different vibrations is the substance of a life.