Creola G. Lucas
Creola takes delight in writing childrens books. Look for more childrens stories written by her for those little readers to enjoy.

Willie Frank and his classmates discover that drug use is running rampant in their high school. Together, they solved the mystery crime. They later become goodwill ambassadors in the fight against drugs in their school and city. This book is informative and entertaining.

Selena is a little girl who believes in herself, and discovers through her imagination that her desire to venture into the universe can come true. This book is a good teaching tool for use in schools and home reading.

Creola Gaston Lucas stirs the hearts of readers by recording early memoirs of her life as granddaughter of one of America’s most successful and wealthiest black businessman. When she files for guardianship over her aging grandfather, she becomes skeptical about discrepancies in her grandfather’s signature on his last will and testament. She suspects sinister plans are in place by some of his avaricious business executives to take over her grandfather’s dynasty and is appalled at her findings. She sets out to save the future of his legacy. You must read the story.

Forever Green is an inspiring book of poems that are uplifting, witty, and humorous. Read them for comfort and relaxation. Share with family and friends.

In Forever Clear, Creola Gaston Lucas captures from life’s everyday situations and writes them to poetry.

In Forever There, Creola Gaston Lucas writes faith stirring words that touches the souls of readers through her beautiful literary expression of poetry.

Have you ever been without words to express your thoughts on occasions when you desperately needed them? You can enjoy volumes of reading pleasure from the varieties of literary expressions in “Got Something You Want To Say?”. Carry one in your car or give them as gifts to your friends.