Gwendolyn Moore DeLaine
Born in 1956 in Bellamy, Alabama, Gwendolyn is the daughter of Walter and Leola Sanders Moore and wife of Gerard DeLaine. She has three children and the proud grandmother of eleven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. For the first four years of her education, she attended Bethel Hill School which was established by her great grandfather Tom Moore, Sr. Bethel Hill School was located in the Moore Place Community now listed as Moore Town in Coatopa, Alabama. Gwendolyn is a 1974 graduate of Livingston High School and a 1977 graduate of then-Livingston University, now University Of West Alabama. After graduating, she was employed by the Sumter County Commissioners as a clerk in the Tax Assessor’s office and in 1979, was employed by the Sumter County School System as secretary to the superintendent. Now as a retiree, her time is spent writing; collecting and displaying historical African American artifacts.

When GOD in HIS infinite wisdom created the heavens and earth; the order of nature was established; HE formed man from the dust; shaped him in HIS image and endowed him
with the ability to care for and protect everything in HIS well designed garden of paradise.
As designated stewards of the earth, it is man’s responsibility to respect, protect and subdue nature in a manner that glorifies and praises the Creator for HIS works.
But now in this ever changing and fast paced world of technology, man has become distracted and lost sight of his divine assignment. As a result, societal values are shifting and the natural resources of earth are in jeopardy of depletion.
Before it is to late, man must recommit to his GOD ordained purpose. He must be steadfast in his efforts to preserve and protect the environment for the next generation. “Of old hast Thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of Thou hands”. – Psalm 102:25
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