Chad Nuss
“I have been drawing as long as I can remember. I was introduced to comic books as a young boy when my uncle gave me an old G.I. Joe comic as a birthday present. I was immediately fascinated with the art and form of comic book storytelling. My mom soon gave me the book “How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.” I devoured its contents and spent countless hours working through each chapter. After I graduated high school in 1994, I was accepted to study at the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I majored in Communication and Design with an illustration emphasis. I graduated from OCAD in 1998.
In 1996, my dad died. This event radically affected my life. Up to that point in my life, I was not a religious person, but I began wrestling with many profound questions about belief, God, and philosophy. I began to see a direct connection between our spiritual and philosophical beliefs and everything else about who we are and what we do. These issues directly affected who I was as a person, especially how I approached art. In 2000, I became a Christian and soon after entered seminary to formally study the relationship between spirituality and culture. In 2012, I completed the Master of Divinity degree. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in theology and philosophy.”
The Silence #2
The Silence is a space symphony. The story follows the journey of 4 main characters: Naomi, a blind, dying heroine; Lazarus, a disabled hero unable to use his superhuman strength; and The Guards, two artificial intelligence robots who become self-aware and turn against government control to protect Naomi and Lazarus. The story is set in the future and takes place in a nearby galaxy called The Prolegomenon System. The story begins on the planet Issachar as Naomi and Lazarus search for Dr Polaris—the man responsible for treating Naomi’s blindness and its subsequent fatal side effects. When a mysterious spaceship crash lands in the city, Naomi, Lazarus, and Dr Polaris learn of an approaching fleet of spaceships looking to commit genocide. Naomi and Lazarus launch into space to confirm the report but what they find leads them into an ongoing search for answers: Who are the Guards? Where did the spaceships come from? Why is everyone at war? What is The Hierarchy? Who is the Face? What can they do to save their planet from genocide? As they travel to each planet of the Prolegomenon System, they soon find out everything they lived for and knew was a lie.
The Silence #1
The Silence is a space symphony. The story follows the journey of 4 main characters: Naomi, a blind, dying heroine; Lazarus, a disabled hero unable to use his superhuman strength; and The Guards, two artificial intelligence robots who become self-aware and turn against government control to protect Naomi and Lazarus. The story is set in the future and takes place in a nearby galaxy called The Prolegomenon System. The story begins on the planet Issachar as Naomi and Lazarus search for Dr Polaris—the man responsible for treating Naomi’s blindness and its subsequent fatal side effects. When a mysterious spaceship crash lands in the city, Naomi, Lazarus, and Dr Polaris learn of an approaching fleet of spaceships looking to commit genocide. Naomi and Lazarus launch into space to confirm the report but what they find leads them into an ongoing search for answers: Who are the Guards? Where did the spaceships come from? Why is everyone at war? What is The Hierarchy? Who is the Face? What can they do to save their planet from genocide? As they travel to each planet of the Prolegomenon System, they soon find out everything they lived for and knew was a lie.